Explore philosophical and psychological concepts related to ‘what is truth?’ and ‘what is perception?’ and how we can use evidence to define our realities. Truth and Perception is a powerful combination of language, philosophy, physics, chemistry and media studies.
In Truth and Perception, students examine theories about light, enzymatic chemical reactions, mathematical proofs and conjectures, cellular respiration / photosynthesis, and the purpose of language / stylistic features in film.

Why explore Truth and Perception?
- Philosophical thinking is the ultimate “transferable work skill”. With its emphasis on reason and argumentation, philosophy is an excellent preparation for all careers and future endeavours.
- Examining truths vs perceptions expands our horizons by enabling us to see beyond the world as it presently exists, and to develop awareness of how things might be.
- Study of truth / perception in science, maths, literature, and history helps us to solve problems and make better decisions by developing our critical thinking.
Key Concepts
What is light?
Explore all things ‘Light’. What is it? How does it behave? Where does it come from and where does it go? How does it affect things (living and non-living)? What can we do with it?
What is Real?
The Matrix vs The Truman Show. Both ask important questions about individuals, society, human behaviour and what we consider a desirable reality. Explore these ideas via a multimodal intertextual essay.
Is it true?
How do we use logic and reasoning to formulate and analyse arguments? How can we develop conjectures and test them? Explore how proofs and conjectures are used in mathematics, in particular in geometric proofs.
Is proof in the test tube?
Reactions Chemistry. Explore enzymes, chemical formulas and equations, reaction rates and energy in reactions.
Food for Thought
Science: Some experts claim that the future of food is in danger — is this the truth or our perception?
History: Is History written by the victors? Are the stories we learn actual truths or merely some human perceptions?
Truth or Deception?
How can I validate the reliability of information? Why do people react emotionally rather than logically? How can I identify deceptive and manipulative strategies in media / advertisements / politics / history?