Grade Scheme & Learner Attributes

Grade Scheme

Grades of A to E are used to describe the level of achievement for each subject in relation to the performance standards in the appropriate subject outline. Subject outline documents that contain detailed performance standard statements for the subjects that are relevant to this achievement report for Year 11 can be found on the SACE Board website, and for Year 10 on the ACARA website

A – Excellent Achievement
B – Good Achievement
C – Satisfactory Achievement
D – Partial Achievement
E – Minimal Achievement
P – Result pending
I – Insufficient evidence provided
N – No grade is recorded
W – Withdrawn from Subject

Further information regarding student achievement can be retrieved via your access to the ASMS portal. If you are having difficulties logging in, please contact ASMS ICT services via email at or by phone on 08 8201 5686 to troubleshoot the matter.

You can ask the school to provide you with written information that clearly shows your child’s achievements in the subjects studied in comparison to that of other children in the child’s peer group at school. This information will show you the number of students in each of the five achievement levels.

ASMS Learner Attributes

Learner AttributeDescription 
Analytical thinking Can analyse data to extract critical information and interprets and presents outcomes in a considered, systematic and methodical manner 
Creativity Can create new possibilities, exploring, experimenting and investigating ideas to connect them with possibilities and produce a worthwhile outcome 
Curiosity Adopts a questioning approach and has a desire to acquire knowledge by exploring topics, ideas and situations, and shows comfort with uncertainty and ambiguity 
Mindful agency Is aware of thoughts, feelings and actions as a learner and uses that awareness to take responsibility for, plan and manage learning processes 
Motivation Is intrinsically motivated to achieve goals with purpose, resulting in an ability to focus, be optimistic and driven 
Resilience Has an ability to show resilience and perseverance and a sense of self-efficacy and independence whilst building positive bonds with others 
CommunityWorks with others in the learning community and feels a sense of belonging, and understands the importance of connections with others to effective learning and achievement of goals 
HumanitarianismConsiders, evaluates and acts in ways that are inclusive and for the betterment of society 
Operational capabilities Is able to interpret, process and communicate and act on information in a variety of modes and ways of thinking  

Central Studies

Terra Knowing

Indigenous wisdom has profound implications for sustainable land use in Australia. Traditional practices are explored in Terra Knowing to offer insights into harmonising with nature and preserving ecosystems. Students utilise data to develop informed decision-making for complex Australian landscapes. Embracing design thinking as a tool for innovation, students are encouraged to reimagine approaches to environmental management and agricultural practice. By understanding the diverse needs of audiences, students utilise evidence to develop and communicate compelling justifications for change. 

Earth and Cosmos

Earth and Cosmos examines the composition of our solar system, the evolution of Earth, and the history and hazards of space exploration, with a powerful combination of physics, mathematics, physiology, psychology, biochemistry, astronomy and literacy. This study explores our understandings of the sun, moon and stars and their social, spiritual and technological roles. We examine the structure and size of the universe, understandings of time and space, the composition of the planets, the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, geological formations and space exploration.

Truth and Perception

Explore philosophical and psychological concepts related to ‘what is truth?’ and ‘what is perception?’ and how we can use evidence to define our realities. Truth and Perception is a powerful combination of language, philosophy, physics, chemistry and media studies. In Truth and Perception, students examine theories about light, enzymatic chemical reactions, mathematical proofs and conjectures, cellular respiration / photosynthesis, and the purpose of language / stylistic features in film.

Order from Chaos

It is a behaviour of humanity to seek out ways of categorising and ordering patterns and systems to make sense of a seemingly chaotic universe. In this central study, students examined both order and chaos within human society, the natural (chemical) world, and in complex systems. The initial Module examined social order with considerations of rights and freedoms with a focus on persuasion. Students developed their own persuasive speeches and explored the role statistics plays in influencing audience choice. Key scientists and mathematicians as pattern makers were introduced in the 2nd module with an exploration of how our knowledge of chemical interactions has grown and how these interactions can be modelled and predicted utilising mathematical sequences and series to describe, analyse and visualise the patterns seen in nature. The final module had students investigating complex systems in the modern world, how resistant they are to chaos and how humans and machines are increasingly learning to control them.


In Biodiversity students explored the origin, development and diversity of life on planet Earth. There was a particular focus on exploring the ongoing scientific mystery associated with the extinction of the megafauna on the Australian continent and understanding the science and mathematics associated with radiometric dating.  A component of the course was working in the field to develop understanding of and experience the work of a field scientist. There was also a major focus on understanding genetic inheritance and understanding the role played in the development of difference and variety amongst living organisms. Biodiversity gave the students an opportunity to explore the depictions and relationship man has with nature through an exploration of poetry dating from before the Industrial Revolution to the Modern Era. Biodiversity is a powerful combination of ecology, biology, geology, geography, philosophy, genetics and literacy.

Dream Design Develop

In Dream, Design, Develop students examined how the world of work is changing dramatically now and in the future. They tackled questions such as what will work look like for individuals, what skills will be needed, and how might we prepare for productive work in the future? A number of experts see the human-machine interface as being a major focus for future jobs, as translators of technology for users and productive ways we can work with machines rather than compete with them (100 Jobs of the Future, 2019). This course provided students with the opportunity to DREAM up the possible career opportunities afforded to us in the 4th Industrial Revolution, DESIGN a personalised learning program to gain the skills/knowledge/capabilities needed for these occupations, and DEVELOP a company that will add value to our future communities.

Learning Studies

Learning Studies (LS) provides the opportunity for students to​​ develop a deep understanding of themselves, others and the learning culture of ASMS. Students have the Agency to actively contribute to the LS program, and curriculum, shaping their own, and others’ futures by co-designing learning, building natural evidence of learning, enrichment opportunities and experiences. LS aims to develop coherence and connection between the Central Studies. ​​​​​​​You will develop your learner attributes to support learning and growth as expert learners. LS is essential to the ASMS experience, developing resilient, confident and reflective self-directed learners. Each day has a specific learning purpose to help you navigate your way through years 10, 11 and 12 and develop as a positive member of your community.

Research Project/Student Inquiry Project

In the Student Inquiry Project students undertook a detailed self-directed study in an area of interest. The Student Inquiry Project promotes the development of research, investigation and inquiry skills as well as the skills and abilities connected with organising and managing a sustained independent work effort.

Engineering a Monster

In this Central Study, we considered our ethical responsibilities for the ‘monsters’ that we engineer with a deep dive into the gothic novel Frankenstein. We explored our role as a curious creator in any engineering field of our choice, applying relevant mathematics along the way. The course culminated with a study of WWII history and film analysis. Students demonstrated their interdisciplinary learning journey in many creative ways at the FrankenFest Showcase.

Sustainable Futures

In the Sustainable Futures Central Study, students considered the impact that human activities have on the environment and the importance of equitable access (or goals to achieve this) to the objectives from the UN Sustainable Development goals, around topics such as clean water and sanitation and education for all. Students explore human impact particularly around marine ecosystems through a historical and scientific lens and investigate modes of text that are used to reach a diverse range of audiences such as songs, stories and fables. Learning culminated in students representing a UN aligned country in the Earth Summit, considering the actions that developed and developing countries can take to address a selected UN Sustainable Development goal in a scientific context.

Body in Question

In Body in Question, students examined the nature of health and disease from physiological, mental, social, emotional and immunological perspectives. They investigated biomechanics including the structures, functions and physics involved when explaining body movement. An excursion to the Flinders Tonsley campus allowed us to learn about the fields of biokinetics and biomedical engineering. Students also chose an area of specialised interest (Nutrition, Psychology, Exercise Science, Reproductive & Sexual Health, or ‘Student-Led’) and took a deep dive to maximise their health and wellbeing learning with agency.

Communication Systems

In Communication Systems students studied electronic, biochemical, digital and language-based communication. They look at how humans interpret, change, adapt, transform and control communication systems. This learning was undertaken through a study of Macbeth in which students analyse how drama can be used to convey the human experience. They explored the chemical messaging system within the body and then investigated action potentials in muscles. This linked to exploring electronic communication both within and external to the body. Students utilised their understandings to create their own mini documentary communicating a scientific concept to a wider audience.

The Energy Equation

In The Energy Equation students engaged with a hands-on approach to the exploration of energy; where we source our energy needs from, the efficiency of these sources and the approaches we use to harness it for our energy needs. Using the lens of history, students investigated a range of different fuels that have been used as well as the ethical issues associated with nuclear energy. They worked in groups to investigate contemporary trends in energy production using an inquiry approach to explore the science of renewable and other energy sources.

University Extension Studies Grade Scheme

University Extension Studies Grade Scheme Grades of HD to F are used to describe the level of achievement for each University Extension Studies Topic. Further information on the performance standards of these grades and their equivalence for Grade Point Averages can be found at

High Distinction – Demonstrated the acquisition of an advanced level of knowledge/ understanding/ competencies/ skills required for meeting topic objectives

Distinction – Demonstrated advanced knowledge/ understanding/ competencies/ skills required for meeting topic objectives

Credit – Demonstrated a sound level of knowledge/ understanding/ competencies/ skills required for meeting topic objectives and completing assessment exercises at a proficient standard

Pass – Demonstrated at least an adequate level of knowledge/understanding/ competencies/skills required for meeting topic objectives and satisfactorily completing essential assessment exercises

Fail – Unable to demonstrate satisfactory academic performance in a topic or has failed to complete essential topic elements or required assessment tasks at an acceptable level