The ASMS International Student Study Program provides international students with a world-class education and an opportunity to live and study alongside Australian students. This experience allows international students to experience the ASMS culture and the differences not just between overseas schooling but Australian schooling.
As a student your experience at the ASMS will be different than any other school in Australia, there are no bells to alert of class changes, no school uniform and we focus on student-directed and collaborative learning. At the ASMS we are a place that embraces innovation, curiosity and community.
The ASMS offers the following programs:
- High School Graduate Program (1 to 3 years course)
- High School Study Abroad Program (1 to 4 terms course)
- Student Study Programs (1 to 2 weeks)
Our Graduate and Study Abroad students experience the same study program as local students, they have opportunities to participate in a variety of state, national and international competitions – providing further challenges, testing skills and knowledge in areas such as leadership and business enterprise.
How to enrol
f you are an international student interested in studying at the ASMS please visit the International Education Services website or contact them via email
Department for Education T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS Provider Number 00018A Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Legislative Framework

At the ASMS, I am able to receive assistance from my teachers and friends regarding many topics, not only learning. The opportunities to pursue tertiary education are invaluable, such as the Extension Study program, in which you can choose a University course as one of your Year 12 subjects. ASMS is an important part of Australia for me that I will never forget.
Duc Quang (Sean), Vietnam