We have finished our school year on an energetic note with our 5th biennial Film Festival, “Around Here” culture building sessions and the start of our whole school renovations which will continue until May 2023. In the coming weeks staff will actively, collaboratively, and reflectively spend time planning engaging and coherent curriculum and a small group of our Year 12s will be meeting with the Prime Minister to share their thoughts and ideas of how to increase the number of students entering science and mathematics fields.
Our Year 12 students have completed their final assessments and exams for Stage 2 SACE, and our Year 10 & 11s have completed their tasks for Central Studies with staff have compiling Semester 2 Reports and sending the results off to the SACE board. Families with be sent reports in the coming weeks and they will be available on the ASMS Portal on Friday 16 December.
Families received communication regarding changing the number of Learning Studies Groups (LSG) in 2023 from 24 to 20. Each of the affected students and their families have been consulted and now know their new LSG for 2023. We have also been very busy planning for and finalising 2023 staffing. We farewell Glenys Thompson, Simon Illingworth, Marcus Roberts, Jake Groothedde, and Kylie Minge and hope they enjoy every success in their future employment and travels. Glenys has been the Deputy Principal at ASMS for 9 years and will be enjoying extra time with family, Simon will be joining the Golden Grove High School staff as the Director of Career Education, Industry Partnerships and Flexible Student Pathways, Marcus will be the new Senior School Leader at Aldinga Payinthi R-12 school, Jake is exploring and teaching in New Caledonia and Kylie has finished her graduate position at ASMS and will be teaching at Adelaide Botanic High School from 2023. Matthew Verdon will be the Deputy Principal for the first semester, Richard Greig will be our Learning Studies Leader, Nikki Asikas will be our Innovative Systems and Processes Coordinator, Sarah Hollinshead will be the Learner Engagement and Growth Coordinator and Thomas Doerfer will join us in a graduate teacher role in Chemistry.
As I come to the end of my first year at the ASMS my first thought is, thank you! Thank you to everyone who helped with my induction to what is truly an incredible school. The 2023 school year commences on Monday 30 January; there may be some changes to the Department for Education mobile phone policy before school returns and I will keep families informed if the changes are announced.
Please take the time to relax and rejuvenate in readiness for another learning and fun-filled year.