The Department for Education mandates that all schools implement the KS:CPC to ensure we are educating our young people to ensure their social, physical and emotional wellbeing is developed. We are currently reviewing how and what we will teach our Year 10, 11 and 12s, which includes agency as students are involved in the reviewing and implementing process.
We will be reviewing the 4 focus areas of the KS:CPC: The right to be safe, Relationships, Recognising and reporting abuse, and Protective strategies. Once we have reviewed and mapped against our current curriculum we will be implementing the curriculum in Learning Studies where the groups and individual will have the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and an understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe in this ever changing world.
If you would like to be involved in the reviewing of material, we always encourage caregiver participation in providing our young people a well rounded opportunity. In the coming weeks the Year 12s will be hearing from the Sammy D Foundation where they will presenting information on Safe Partying and Drug/Alcohol Education. We look forward to these and other opportunities to continue developing our young people.
For more details on the curriculum, you can reach out to Simon Illingworth.