End of Semester Assembly

To mark the end of Pride Month, Refugee Week and the start of National NAIDOC Week on Friday, each student at the ASMS created a link with a handwritten positive message to create one long unified chain.  

This was then presented to the cohort at our end-of-semester assembly to acknowledge that despite all our differences, we are all linked together.

This assembly also provided the opportunity for each Central Studies Leader to presented awards for achievement in Biodiversity, Dream Design Develop and Order from Chaos, so congratulations to all the students who were acknowledged for their hard work over the semester.

Some of our Year 12s also spoke about the leadership and enrichment opportunities that they have experienced over the last few months, and also gave an update our Debating Team’s fantastic results in their competitions throughout the semester.

We also had an update from our Youth Parliament representatives, and one of our hardworking Aviation students was finally presented with his wings for his first solo flight!

As it was the first whole school assembly of the year, it was the perfect time for us all to connect with the culture of the ASMS and to reiterate the importance of each student taking action as individuals to continue to make this school a better place.