We have had a busy 2nd half of Term 2 Enrichment wise!
Science Olympiad Exam
Science Olympiad Exam 12 June (Week 7): “The Australian Science Olympiad Exam was a challenge I thoroughly enjoyed. It provided me with an opportunity to extend myself and apply the scientific knowledge I had acquired. I discovered that I had a high level of confidence in tackling questions related to topics I had previously studied in depth in my Central Studies, such as radioactive decay, stoichiometry, and motion. My biggest takeaway from this experience is the importance of exposing myself to a wide range of scientific disciplines and continuing to learn the basics of each topic.” Thanvanth (Year 10)
Aviation Maintenance Excursion
On Wednesday 19 June a group of our students, along with Adnan, attended the Flight One Academy Aviation Maintenance excursion and experienced hands-on activities, including getting up close with aircraft, a tour of commercial and military equipment, experience some tools and equipment used on a daily basis to service aircrafts, and presentations from Boeing, Airbus and the Defence Forces on career pathways and opportunities in this sector.
“The aviation excursion was a valuable experience overall. It provided an opportunity to explore career pathways in aircraft maintenance engineering. Among the activities, the Q&A session by Flight One School of Engineering stood out as the most useful. During this session, I learned about the Cert II Aeroskills VET course that I could undertake in Year 11. Given my interest in aerospace engineering, I am considering enrolling in the course next year.” Thanvanth (Year 10)
Oliphant Science Awards
On Sunday 30 June Amritha, Sara, and Ishana all submitted their Science as a Human Endeavour themed Scientific Writing submissions for the Oliphant Science Awards to be exhibited at Science Alive later in the year.
Offsite Maritime Excursion
“The Maritime Excursion was an excellent opportunity to learn about the accelerating maritime sector. The trip to Tasmania included learning about the industry (such as engineering and logistics) as well as experience in life safety and search and rescue practice. We participated in a number of activities, including activating and using lifeboats and manning rescue vessels, touring the Tasmanian University campus and observing cavitation machines, bridge and boat construction challenges, tugboat and cargo ship simulators, hydraulic presses and venturing onto boats and learning about engines. We also got to see the new Submarine being manufactured in Port Adelaide.” Elysia – Year 12
Big Day in IT Conference
On June 13, a group of our Year 10-12 students attended the ACS Foundations BiG Day In IT conference at the University of Adelaide North Terrace Campus. The day featured guest speaker sessions throughout the day, and exhibitors that included Westpac, TATA Consultancy Services, Southcott, AWS, Wisetech Global, ACS, Defence Force, Adobe and more for our students to engage with and learn from. The presenters spoke about changes in their fields of expertise, how they have adjusted to these changes and what this meant for jobs. Students were then able to visit presenter booths at a small expo and engage with current university students, employers and trainers. This conference was the perfect opportunity for our young people to immerse themselves in university life and learn more about future career opportunities in information technology.