The Year 10/11 cohort has been working hard in recent weeks not to Engineer a Monster:
- Groups of students have had full agency to choose to make any type of responsible product, from any engineering field that they enjoy – there are projects inspired by chemical engineering, software engineering, environmental engineering, aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering – you name it, the students are exploring it.
- Creative engineering projects have been designed, built and tested scientifically, have had mathematical models applied, and the results will be evaluated in a journal to produce an authentic connection between science, maths, and English communication disciplines.
- Projects include self-watering plants with coded Arduino-based pumps, new types of Shoe Glue to fix shoes, multi-stage bottle rockets with parachutes, bioslime hand sanitiser, self-cleaning doorknobs, chess programs that teach and explain strategies and so much more!
Please ask your child about their project experiences in Engineering a Monster lately and all of the interesting things they are doing in their class!