Finance Matters for 2023

Results of Parent Poll:

Materials and Services Charges 2023 for The Australian Science & Mathematics school

In November 2022, a Parent Poll was undertaken in accordance with The Education and Children’s Services Act 2019 and the Materials and Services charges Administrative Instructions and Guidelines, regarding the legal collection of the ‘Prescribed Sum’ within the Materials and Services Charge for 2023.

The results of the poll are as follows:

Poll ResultsYear 10 to Year 1215123
% 85%13%

Invalid 4                                                             

The Principal has reviewed the Poll results on behalf of the Chief Executive, The Department of Education, and approved the ‘Prescribed Sum’ as listed in the table below for each year level to be the legally recoverable amount for 2023.

Year levelApproved prescribed sum
Year 10 to Year 12$915.00