Did you know there are many benefits to being and ASMS Homestay Family?
Not only do you get to open your home to an international student for them to experience Australian day to day life, but your family will have the opportunity to build lifelong connections and learn more about the world around us.
We have two homestay opportunities coming up this year!
Opportunity 1 – Term 3 Weeks 6 and 8 hosting students from Canada and England for up to 6 nights
Opportunity 2 – Term 4 Week TBC hosting students from Japan for up to 7 nights.
As a homestay family you will have the opportunity to not only show off the wonderful things that make Australia and South Australia unique, but you will also have the chance to learn about your homestay student’s culture too!
Homestay families are not restricted to ASMS families, anyone can be a homestay family so please spread the word and tell your family and friends!
To find out more visit our website – Host a Student | Australian Science & Mathematics School (asms.sa.edu.au)
All family types are eligible to become homestays so get in contact with us now via email international@asms.sa.edu.au or by completing the Homestay Registration of Interest form.