New Central Study in Semester 2

In Semester 2 this year ASMS will be running a new Central Study course for our Year 10 and 11 students. The themes for this course will be exploring a range of perspectives on land use in Australia, including those of Indigenous peoples and the perspectives that we can gain by using large data sets to monitor our environment. Students will gain skills in using data to support decision making and also in design thinking as a tool for innovation, drawing on a range of existing knowledge from traditional practices to cutting edge science.

Alongside this new Central Study, in Semester 2, students will also be engaging with updated versions of Earth and Cosmos and Truth and Perception, as well as undertaking Student Inquiry Project, which is Research Project for Year 11s, and continuing with Learning Studies. This change is being made in response to the feedback we received as part of our review of curriculum we undertook last year.

If you, or anyone you know, has expertise that you would like to offer in our development of this new Central Study course, please contact Alix Verdon, Partnerships Leader, by email to