Panel Presentations are a unique feature of Research Project at the ASMS. Our Year 11 students are required to distil their ideas and initial background research into a 3-minute presentation which outlines how they arrived at their question and the proposed research methodology. Adapting the inter-university 3-Minute Thesis concept the key purpose of the panels is to provide a point by which students need to have solidified their chosen STEM based question and to have planned a suitable research plan, justifying their chosen methodologies.
Our Year 11 students have just gone through this process, with each presenting to a multi-disciplinary panel of teachers and an audience of our Year 10 students. Feedback provided by the panel members and the audience provides critical feedback to allow students to further refine their research methodologies. From this point forward students will be expected to be actively undertaking the research phase of their projects, aiming to have their data collection completed by the middle of September.
Lisa Pope
Subject Leader