Flinders Assessment Centre for Year 11s
Flinders Assessment Centre is a pathway program open to Year 11s, that allows Flinders University to consider different assessment methodologies for admission to higher education. Flinders is running the Assessment Centre at ASMS on March 12th. Expressions of interest and further information will come out shortly and students will need to consider their pathways options.
In 2024, 46 Year 11 students received successful outcomes from the Assessment Centre testing. Students were assessed into 3 tiers of available course suitability, which in September 2025 can lead to course offers as part of the student’s pathways.
Certificate III Information Technology
Starting up on the 4th of February, 16 new students have taken up studying cybersecurity or programming along with 9 continuing students from 2024. With another 8 students completing their Certificate III from 2024 or over the break.
In October of 2024, the Certificate III students took part in the State World Skills competition, which put their ICT skills up against other students across SA. Two of our Students have been selected to represent SA at the National World Skills in Brisbane this year. A special Congratulations to Nazif and Matthew for this accomplishment.
Work Experience
ASMS engaged 59 students in Work Experience across 2024. However, we also had just as many students again seek Work Experience without success. A major reason was students not finding employers in their field of interest. In preparation for Curiosity in the Community or ongoing Passion Project time, we are seeking expressions of interest of potential employers in hosting an ASMS student for Work Experience. This would allow us to offer a database of potential employers to students to access. While not every opportunity may be taken, depending on student interest and time clashes, we would greatly appreciate it.
If you are interested or know of someone who might be interested, please complete the linked form.
For further information, please contact Jason: Jason.Backler@asms.sa.edu.au