In recent weeks, we have seen events that have emphasised deep divisions between people. In Australia we have seen the Voice referendum, the associated campaigning and the related outcomes and responses. In the Middle East, we are seeing a humanitarian tragedy with civilians suffering the effects of an armed conflict.
There are many people in our school community directly affected by world events, and connections to different sides and aspects of conflict, but every one of us is affected in some way. We have a close school community, and our culture here at the ASMS is to recognise our universal connection as human beings and listen to and support each other with kindness and compassion regardless of our political, geographic, religious, or other affiliations and identities. Working to understand and be kind to each other allows us to get the best value and growth out of having our diverse community and bind us together.
We ask everyone to pay special care and attention to this compassion at this time and support each other as human beings. We have offered a listening ear to our students who wish to discuss any issues particularly concerning or affecting them.
Year 12s farewell: Our Year 12s have been farewelled today. In the tradition of the ASMS we celebrated their achievements with our assembly yesterday and staff cooked up a breakfast-storm this morning. It is a significant milestone for our Year 12s and we wish them well in the final assessment processes. Our Presentation Night (29 November) is our final opportunity to celebrate with students, I look forward to seeing our Year 12s officially graduate from the ASMS.
Hats off to teachers this World Teachers’ Day: This week the ASMS has celebrated and thanked the teaching profession for their skilled work in educating, inspiring and supporting our students. Several of our students have taken a moment to take their “hats off” to celebrate teachers, and to tell them what they mean to them.
Staffing Announcement: I am pleased to announce that Sophie Braun has been appointed to the positions of Senior Leader: Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Learner Analytics from 2024. We wish Sophie all the best in their position.
Kylie Eggers & Matt Verdon