At the Governing Council AGM we thanked our outgoing councillors for their service and a new council was appointed. I look forward to working with them over the next 12 months to help set and monitor the broad direction of the school and monitor the Site Improvement Plan. Our members are, Chairperson: Ron van Buuren, Vice Chairperson: Ja-Lee Kleeman, Treasurer: Ja-Lee Kleeman, Secretary: Kylie Eggers, Staff Representatives: Kyran Zippel, Richard Greig and Lisa Pope, Community Representatives: Michael Pittolo, Flinders University Representative: Hayden Tronnolone, Councillors: Eric Valdez, Craig Palamountain, Sharon Strickland, Pradeep Vailasseri, Kimberley Lerc, Nick Phillips, and Student Representatives: Shristi Kandel, and Cyrus Kelly.
At the ASMS, supporting our students to develop Learner Attributes and have agency in their learning is a priority. It is about our students having a sense of self-awareness, self-direction and self-regulation in their learning. For some of our students this can be unsettling at first as they adjust to these expectations in their new school. Teachers work with students to support their development of agency in the Learning Studies program and in the way learning is designed in Central Studies and Year 12.
Parents and caregivers, please work through the Learning Studies teacher if your child is still finding it hard to settle in.
We hope all our students enjoy the rest of the activities that are humming around the school in the coming weeks.
Kylie Eggers,