Principal’s Message

Term Two has had a great start with students settling into their learning and embracing the wonderful opportunities that being at the ASMS affords them. The energy is palpable with Year 10 & 11 students looking forward to their various activities for the Field Trip Week in week 3 ranging from sound engineering to touring BAE systems, Flinders Uni Art Gallery to Monarto Zoo; please ensure that all students know where they need to be, when they need to be there and have packed what they need for each day. If, for any reason, a student can’t get to an excursion please call the school as soon as possible as some trips have waiting lists.

On the first day of term while the students were home with their families, our staff were busy being Literacy Pirates, Numeracy Ninjas and Digital Vikings learning and reinforcing various strategies of how to improve comprehension, numeracy transfer and numeracy articulation along with multiple digital tools used in the classroom. The final session of the day saw teachers working in teams to determine the best place for the practices to be used within Central & Learning Studies. All sessions were highly informative and beneficial, and we are very thankful to all the presenters.

At the time of writing there are several students who are feeling the pressure of their studies regarding balancing their work, studies and home-life. We want to work with students and families to help navigate through senior schooling and this is done best when we know about it early; if you have any concerns, please talk them through with your student’s Learning Studies teacher (and Colour or Senior Colour leaders or Youth Worker if needed) to see how we can help.

The ASMS is proud to support a culture of respect and inclusivity and, although we do not have a uniform, we ask students to choose their school clothing to incorporate both WHS and transcultural sensitivity requirements which can be found on the ASMS portal. Not all students have been adhering to these criteria lately and we have been having one-on-one, supportive conversations when necessary. At times we may need your support in assisting your child with their dress choices; we appreciate your cooperation with these conversations.

Please note that face masks are still required for all staff, students and visitors until at least the end of Week 4, Term 2. We will let the students know when they are no longer required. Staff will continue to prompt students to wear their masks appropriately (covering mouth and nose) until this time.

Enjoy the term,

Kylie Eggers
