At the Governing Council AGM (19/2) we thanked our outgoing councillors for their service and a new council was appointed. I look forward to working with them over the next 12 months to help set and monitor the broad direction of the school and monitor the Strategic Plan and the School Improvement Plan. Our members are, Chairperson: Jamie Wright, Vice Chairperson: Lucien Bianchi, Treasurer: Tania Bogle, Secretary: Brett Menadue, Staff Representatives: Richard Greig and a rotation of the second staff member, Flinders University Representative: Hayden Tronnolone, Councillors: Sharon Strickland, Ja-Lee Kleeman Tiffany Katchmar and Student Representatives: a rotation of Sam, Zac, Noah and Lucas. The second community representative will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
Curiosity in Community Week (CIC) 2024:
Year 10 & 11 students and families received correspondence relating to their preferences for their activity in CIC Week; thanks for your quick responses.
How is CIC 2024 different than 2023 (thus far)?
- Focus on the students’ agency, learner attributes and service learning
- More options for camps off-site
- More schools / people and regions covered
- Significant costs for some activities. We will endeavour to bring these costs down however the approximate costs would cover accommodation, food and transport during the camp time if there were no grants or cost savings available.
- Families / carers being asked (not solely students)
- First come/ first served- ie priority will be given to the students who’s responses were provided early.
- Edsmart being used for some admin
The responses will be analysed in the coming week and the confirmation of placements, itineraries and costs will be forthcoming.
Evidence of Learning:
Every member of our school community constructs their learning in a different way, and as a result, the evidence that best demonstrates their learning is rich and diverse. At the ASMS we have always collected evidence of learning in multiple and flexible ways, for example generating artwork using complex numbers or polynomials, creating annotated mindmaps, engaging in conversations to step through the learning process, or programming a simulation. We place a strong emphasis on building students’ capacity to collate, curate, understand, explain, reflect and present their learning to their peers, parents, teachers and others, rather than valuing solely the final product (e.g. a single test for all, or public presentation of content where the delivery is not relevant to assessment). This year (2024) we have a renewed focus on flexibility in assessment, where everyone can benefit from the emphasis on unique and personalised evidence of learning with targeted feedback along the learning journey. Parents, feel free to take the initiative to engage in conversations with your child about their evidence of learning thus far in 2024, and get them to show you through their collections; if you have any questions about how we collect evidence of learning please reach out to the school.
Kylie Eggers,