The end of this term sees us saying sayonara and ciao to our Study Abroad international students.
At the end of Term 3, we said Pangkarra (goodbye in Kaurna language) to Takaaki and Shorin, who went back to Japan. They guys were here for a term of living the Aussie dream. They packed a lot into their short stay but loved every minute of their time in Australia. Lorenzo packed his time full while he was in Australia, but he also left but went home to Italy. He will miss pavlova a lot but will be glad to see his friends and family again.
At the start of Term 3 we welcomed Lorenzo and Francesco to the ASMS, who embraced our unique way of learning and fit into our school culture seamlessly. In their semester with us these students have attended school excursions, immersed themselves in ISF week, presented at school assemblies, and played sport for the school. They have become fully involved in all aspects of life in Australia and love pavlova, playing footy, and travelling.
In addition to the students who have spent the semester with us, we are also saying goodbye to Hiro, our international student from Japan who has spent the entire year with us at ASMS. Quickly becoming an asset to our school, Hiro has participated in almost every event the school has held including School Sport, ASMS tour guide for international guests, in addition to being an ISF Ambassador.
We wish all our Study Abroad international students well in their future endeavours and hope they reflect on their time at the ASMS with fond memories and friendships which last them a lifetime.