Child Protection Curriculum

Within Learning Studies throughout the year we deliver the mandated DfE Keep Safe: Child Protection Curriculum KS:CPC to all year levels at the ASMS catering for differentiated year levels. In Term 1 we will introduce the KS:CPC with a whole school viewing of the Social Dilemma to empower young people to make informed choices about their use of social media and their digital devices.

In Term 2 we will be covering the Focus Areas of the Right to be Safe, Relationships, Recognising and reporting Abuse, and Protective Strategies. Students will be working with their Learning Studies teacher and through the use of appropriate media to discuss topics, gain knowledge and continue to responsible young people.

Students have been involved in developing the offerings including a range of media that will be used as the medium of delivery. If you require any information relating to the KS:CPC, please contact either your young person’s Learning Studies teacher or Simon.