Supporting Numeracy & Maths

How do we support Maths and Numeracy for Year 10 students?

Learning design at the ASMS is interdisciplinary, and it can sometimes seem unclear how specific curriculum area learning fits together across the Central Studies program. To support our Year 10 students to make connections in maths and numeracy across their classes, and to develop their skills with collecting evidence of learning and understanding their own learning growth, each student has a Google document shared with their teachers called Maths and Numeracy Evidence of Learning.

Throughout the semester, students collect evidence of their mathematics and numeracy learning and are given time and prompts to organise relevant evidence in their document. This includes both formal and informal learning. Lots of numeracy learning occurs through investigating ideas in science, history, English and other learning areas and this approach allows students to see the development of their skills in different contexts.

Students will receive formal feedback on a number of pieces of mathematics work through Daymap, and will reflect on the feedback that they receive as a key part of their Maths and Numeracy Evidence of Learning document.  Through the Learning Studies program, support is provided for students to reflect on their growth using Daymap records and identify goals for their development in numeracy throughout the year, feeding into our end of term Learning Conversations and reporting processes.

The Maths and Numeracy Evidence of Learning and the reflections on feedback received can help build students’ confidence, which is explicitly discussed as part of the process. At the end of semester, the evidence collected is considered as a whole to determine a semester grade reflecting achievement against the Australian Curriculum achievement standard for Mathematics, and the understanding students have of their growth helps to set goals for Semester 2.