Oliphant Science Awards
This term three of our Year 11 students Sara, Amritha, and Ishana are synthesising their Science as a Human Endeavour Scientific Writing analysing topics such as Green Hyrdrogen, Psychedelics and Room Temperature Superconductors in preparation to enter the Oliphant Science Awards. We wish them luck on this endeavour.
Archaeology @ Flinders University Day
A group of our Year 11 students who are interested in finding out more about careers in Archaeology attended this day, and found it to be a very informative experience that gave them wonderful opportunities to network with experts in the field, and ask them questions about this career path. Thank you to Flinders for facilitating this opportunity.
Rostrum Voice of Youth competition
Our ASMS students Zac and Kaitlin have recently participated in the Rostrum Voice of Youth competition Zac got through to the semi-finals held last weekend. We are very proud of Kaitlin & Zac for developing their public speaking skills and building on their Learner Attributes. We would also like to thank Robbie for assisting Zac in drafting, preparing and delivering his speeches with confidence.

Passion Project Update
Our photography group guided by Daniel had a photo competition to put their application of newly learnt skills to the test. Congratulations to the student winners and their final pieces. It is fantastic to see how the students have developed their skills and passion over the course of the term.
This term students have chosen to expand on their Term 1 passion project or have chosen a new passion, students are exploring anything from crochet techniques, learning Python & HTML, rebuilding a lawn mower engine, learning a new language to scientific research on thermodynamics. Students are preparing to showcase their work later in the year.
Australian Maths Trust Competition
Recently, four of our Year 10 and 11 students participated in the Australian Maths Trust Kangourou sans Frontieres (KSF) Maths Competition. Congratulations on this effort to our young people involved.