Principal’s Message

Our Term 3 got off to a good start with staff and students adapting quickly to the change to learning from home. Teaching and learning online is a very different experience and most certainly brings many challenges; however, having been online in 2020, we were able to adapt quickly and had plans we were able to implement to improve the experience for all. Thank you to all who sent messages of support, it was very much appreciated by our staff and me personally.

Now we are back together again and we are all enjoying the opportunity to be learning together in our wonderful school environment. Wearing masks brings its own challenge, all in our school community are respectful of this requirement and I thank all for the effort they are making to comply. SA restrictions are lifting so we are able to enjoy whole school assemblies again, some planned excursions are able to go ahead, in-school events are guided by density requirements when involving adults and interschool sport training trials and competitions are resuming. I look forward to an exciting Term 3 supporting our student to thrive in their learning at the ASMS.

Please keep taking good care of your self and your family and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have concerns or questions regarding the impact of current COVID requirements.

Jayne Heath
