Careers Event Expo

On 16 September 2021, a group of students attended a Lot Fourteen, Defence, Space and Careers Expo Event.  By attending this event we had the opportunity to meet with university students and professionals from a range of disciplines. These included cyber security, engineering and astronomy. We also gained an insight into the developments that have happened with Lot 14 so far and explore the innumerable opportunities that are available and emerging for the future. The highlight of the excursion was being able to understand how to pursue pathways and careers after Year 12 and ways in which we can gain work experience in areas that interest us.

We also had a chance to visit the Space Discovery Centre and participate in some of the interactive activities. Overall, it was a great experience as we now know more about STEM careers and speaking to companies like DefenseSA, Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre (A3C) and Andy Thomas Space Foundation brought to our attention steps which we can take as high school students to learn more about the importance of STEM in the future.