SASTA Oliphant Science Awards
At the 2023 Oliphant Science Awards on 22 October, we had two winners from different categories for the ASMS. Our student, Amritha was awarded first place in Year 9/10 scientific writing category for her written piece on ‘Mysteries of the Universe: The Measurement of Problem’.
LSG07 also won highly commended for their Citizen Science Project in the secondary category for the topic: ‘To what extent does the weather impact the activeness of insects?’. Well done to all of our students who entered the Oliphant Science Awards and congratulations to our ASMS winners.
Department of Defence Nuclear-Powered Submarine Propulsion Challenge
Our ASMS students Ned and Tate have won the senior category for the Nuclear-Powered Submarine Propulsion Challenge, which a project-based learning experience from the Department of Defence and STEM Hub.
This challenge is aimed at high school students and encourages them to STEM disciplines to explore the technology around nuclear-powered propulsion systems used in submarines. Their winning submission was an animation, and they will get to travel to Western Australia to have a tour of the HMAS Stirling and an immersive submariner experience. Congratulations to our ASMS students for this fantastic win, it is wonderful to see our young people apply and succeed in an opportunity such as this.
Medical Research Device Institute Showcase
On Wednesday 27 September, a group of ASMS students attended a MDRI showcase event at Tonsley, where they had the chance to explore the labs and heard from key researchers from the university in their various fields of research.
This event also provided our ASMS group the opportunity to learn more about their mentoring program, speak to PhD students and researchers, and have a walk-through of the labs and facilities.
Aircraft Maintenance
A group from the ASMS joined in on an online session to hear about the pathway and future opportunities in South Australia for Aircraft Maintenance.
Our students got to hear from Airbus and Boeing guest speakers, who detailed their career paths which gave our young people a great inside into pathways into the Aircraft Maintenance industry.
Thank you to these guest speakers for taking the time to provide this session for our students.
Defence Science and Technology Group base at Edinburgh
The Department of Defence provided access to the Defence Science and Technology Group base at Edinburgh on Thursday 28 September 2023 to host an Immersion Day for passionate, STEM focused high school students, which included a group of our ASMS Year 10 and 11 students.
This opportunity showcased the variety of STEM careers available in Defence Science and Technology and gave our students an insight into how STEM professionals support Australia’s Defence capabilities, gave them the chance to ask STEM professionals questions, as well as the chance to have a tour of the facilities that are not normally accessible to the public.
Thank you to the Department of Defence for this special opportunity for our ASMS group.
Oliphant Science Awards Ceremony, 2023