Service Club Donations

Over the course of 2021, money has been raised in a variety of ways including cashing in the deposit containers collected at school, selling plants for Mother’s Day gifts and running a Biggest Morning Tea Cake Competition for the Cancer Council. In total, $5177.00 was raised for donation, and here is a list of the organisations our donations went to this year:

Animal Welfare League$400
Black Dog Institute$85
Cancer Council (BMT)$410
Christian Blind Mission$300
Fred Hollows Foundation$400
Guide Dogs Puppy Sponsorship$456
Hutt Street Centre$100
Lions Hearing Dogs$400
Minton Farm$400
Riding for the Disabled$400
Royal Flying Doctor Service$300
Royal Society for the Blind$400
Special Children’s Christmas Party$50
Trees for Life$100
World Vision$576
Total donation for 2021:$5177