Session 1 – Thursday 13 June, 4pm to 6pm
Theme for 2024 is: “Decoding the world with mathematics”
Participants will be guided by our students and staff to develop an inquiry question and present their learning on a digital poster. Teachers, students, and parents will receive useful resources.
Session 2 – Thursday 8 August, 4pm to 6pm
ASMS staff and students will work with participants on the development of their poster. Teachers and parents will gain insight into how student agency in problem-based learning can extend students understanding of mathematics.
Poster due – Thursday 22 August
Your Digital Poster should be uploaded by Thursday 22 August to allow enough time for printing, prior to the International Science Fair expo. PDF files are preferred; however, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, tiff, and jpg files can be used.
Session 3 – Thursday 5 September, 1.30pm to 3.00 pm
Participants showcase their work, celebrate their achievements, and receive their certificate during our International Science Fair Expo.
Student Resources
Fun, online maths games & resources:
Parents & Teacher Resources
Advice for Parents from Professor Jo Boaler
100 Questions That Help Promote Mathematical Discourse
Australian Curriculum Resources:
Considering the ASMS?