ASMS Competes in Debating SA & SADA

The Australian Science & Mathematics School (ASMS) are proud to congratulate our Debate Team who recently competed at St Peter’s College and Adelaide High School on behalf of the ASMS.

For their first debate at South Australian Debating Association (SADA) they were given the topic of: Australian Politics would be better served if the major parties split along factional lines.

Their topic at Debating SA was: “That space is no place for civilians” and that “We should not bother to prosecute alleged war criminals for historic war crimes.”

Our SADA Yellow and Debating SA Blue won their debates and our SADA Red and Debating SA Green had a great time competing. So far in the term, the Debating SA Blue team is second in their division, which is a fantastic result.

Their second topic at SADA was: “The Australian Curriculum should treat our relationship with the Pacific Islands, including our history of slavery, as a major focus”

The SADA red team had a very close but very deserved win. SADA yellow, however, after the previous round’s win, could not uphold that position and were faced with a loss by 3 points. Both teams did exceptionally well under such great pressure and their overall teamwork and collaboration was fantastic to see.

Congratulations to our our captains Zanny and Ella who also received Speaker of the Night, as well to the rest of the debate team: Kate, KC, Jet, Molly, Josh, Xander, Elyse, Oscar, Tomasz, Jackson, Ayanda and Bella for all their hard work.