Building Better Schools Redevelopment Launch

On May 22 we welcomed Blair Boyer MP, Minister for Education, Training & Skills who opened our Australian Science & Mathematics Building Better Schools Redevelopment.

We also received guests from the Department for Education, as well as the Honourable Erin Thompson, Member for Davenport, the Honourable Dean Brown AO, Jamie Wright, Chair of the ASMS Governing Council, and invited guests who have contributed to our school and the renovations project.

Our school’s facilities now include a brand-new wet lab, virtual reality lab, robotics lab, ICT office, reception area, inclusive hearing loops, heat and eat facility, updated façade, additional seating in the void, and upgraded furniture and fittings across the school which will benefit our current and future students for years to come.

Thank you so much to Minister Boyer for taking the time to officially launch the Australian Science & Mathematics School’s redevelopment.