This term, over 100 of our year 11 and 12 students are participating in the Flinders University Assessment Centre opportunity, with the aim of receiving an early offer to University. Through the experience, students demonstrate their creative and analytical thinking, collaborative working and aptitude for further study, as an alternative to the ATAR.
Students undertake 5 assessment tasks including creative and analytical thinking, collaborative working and aptitude for further study (including being curious, mindful agency, resilience and being motivated) throughout the day and depending on the evidence demonstrated will be offered if successful one of a plethora of university courses offered by Flinders University.
Students enjoyed the opportunity, experience and appreciate that successful completion of this assessment will minimise the stress and anxiety of waiting for a university offer and will allow them to get on with the actual learning opportunities that the ASMS provides. Working with our educational partners, Flinders also used our students to provide a workshop for their ambassadors to view the experience so this opportunity can be shared with other schools across SA.
Over 50% of our current year 11s could receive a guaranteed conditional offer to a number of courses offered by Flinders. This means that students can focus on their learning, rather than their ATAR, while still completing SACE and any prerequisite subjects related to their selected course.