Earth and Cosmos

Earth and Cosmos examines the composition of our solar system, the evolution of Earth, and the history and hazards of space exploration, with a powerful combination of physics, mathematics, physiology, psychology, biochemistry, astronomy and literacy.

This study explores our understandings of the sun, moon and stars and their social, spiritual and technological roles. We examine the structure and size of the universe, understandings of time and space, the composition of the planets, the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, geological formations and space exploration.

Why explore Earth and Cosmos?

  • To explore our place in space, the nature of objects in our solar system and their social, spiritual, and technological roles.
  • To develop skills in modelling and simulating a range of mathematical and physical phenomena.
  • To explore the connection between science and science fiction

Key Concepts

Why here?

Examine the first ways that humans tried to explain the beginnings of life and the origins of the Earth.  Explore science fiction texts and write your own screenplay or narrative short story.

What’s out there?

Use Stellarium software to explore and map the known universe.  Revisit the principles of trigonometry ​to measure cosmic distances​, and create an image, artwork, or design in DESMOS or GeoGebra using segments of polynomials. Analyse space related science fiction as you ponder what is humanity’s place in the universe?

How do we get there?

Develop your own learning contract that outlines your ​plan for the following challenges:


Create your own screenplay, scientific magazine article or argumentative essay that relates to Earth and Cosmos.


Develop a good understanding of the Laws of Motion and how you can undertake calculations to explain observations or make predictions, then design your own motion/force related practical experiment.


Investigate the ‘space race’ period by working in collaboration with up to 2 other students as you examine the role of space exploration on national pride of a chosen country.


Consider an asteroid that is passing near Earth … how will Earth’s gravitational field change the velocity and trajectory? Explore the mathematics involved in calculating change in a range of scenarios.