International Travel 

Did you know the ASMS has interstate and overseas travel opportunities for students? Every year students are welcome to register their interest in being part of our study tours travelling to our collaboration schools all over the world.  

Each study tour, whether it be international, or interstate gives students the chance to experience education in a different place while promoting the ASMS and sharing our unique style of learning.  

This year students will have had the opportunity to travel to the Netherlands, Canada, Queensland and Victoria to participate in different maths and science school-based events.  

Our Canada study tour, leaving at the end of Term 3, will be visiting Fort Richmond Collegiate high school to attend the Manitoba Schools Science Summit with local Canadian and international schools to further explore and discuss issues around Food and Water Security. 

We’re already planning next year’s study tours so if you’re interested in participating watch this space for updates!   

Want more info about travel opportunities at the ASMS? Head to the International page on our website here.